Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Completed Kasen: Traveling


Maps seeded with hope;
small, stray ink marks press paper
like feet on soft soil

Mud clings drags sucks backward but
the path-- there is one-- forward.

Draw up equations that fraction
the possibility of moving along
curved dimensions among

Distances carved in minutes,
counted in latitudes, degrees

So far, so far, and
yet still here, still in the midst
of the sky.

night breeze wafting, citrine moon,
campfire tales... we leave too soon

to pack climaxes in bags full
of openings and these
departures, fumes and noise

zippers pulled tight, campfire coal
gathered, eradiating

lost: wildlife camping,
tallgrass prairies viewed up close,
highway refuges

Unfamiliar tastes roll out
spicy language on the tongue.

gyros and lemon
cacophony of taxis
leaves fall, unnoticed

no, there is one who sees, her
eye enlarged, watching land pass

Telescope focus,
Microscopic visionary--
Earth promise, ants, trees...

uprooted, train tracks speed through
narrow tunnels: go go go

caves below the crust
salted with light, pepper pitched
coal scattered, shovels

Lift the lantern: in glinting
shards the light shows diamonds.

dun rock, sparkly white
quartz spiderwebs, no diamonds.
true gold flakes entwined

with phrases on displays
we crane our necks to read

down stairs to platform
electric oil smell
noses pressed to glass

breath steams window art, daisies
jut yellow, white, exhausted

looking in plain view
passenger aisles row
after row, no exit

Motion, stillness, illusion--
Which is it? Are we here? There?

why did we leave, wanderers
trailing dust, sand, rocks
clinging haphazardly to

steel gateways arching above,
memory fibers sculpting

rhythmic thump of feet
on wood slats, death's head puppets
wobble crazily

Shuffle the papers, declare
to the uniform your reason.

recall them to life
on Día de los Muertos
with tears, songs, sweet bread

pray whispers to saints, angels
holy feet blistered, torpid

after the first light,
visages of the divine
engraved in ruins

after fifth light, dawn tears in
pink, cobalt, orangery

pock-marked sandstone face
the ancient lion goddess
sees nothing, knows all

brushes the swaggered tail
of a tiger who passes

sojourner on
the prowl, unchecked, searching
vacated hemispheres

sleepy eyes regard wonder
with diffidence, rheum, yawning

at last the turning
the familiar facade
hurry hurry home

its rhine moistened with dark mulch
a gradient, festooned den.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


its rhine moistened with dark mulch
a gradient, festooned den.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


at last the turning
the familiar facade
hurry hurry home

Monday, November 17, 2008


sleepy eyes regard wonder
with diffidence, rheum, yawning

Sunday, November 16, 2008


sojourner on
the prowl, unchecked, searching
vacated hemispheres

Saturday, November 15, 2008


brushes the swaggered tail
of a tiger who passes

Monday, November 10, 2008


pock-marked sandstone face
the ancient lion goddess
sees nothing, knows all

Saturday, November 08, 2008


after fifth light, dawn tears in
pink, cobalt, orangery

Sunday, November 02, 2008


after the first light,
visages of the divine
engraved in ruins

Saturday, November 01, 2008


pray whispers to saints, angels
holy feet blistered, torpid

Friday, October 31, 2008


recall them to life
on Día de los Muertos
with tears, songs, sweet bread

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Shuffle the papers, declare
to the uniform your reason.

Monday, October 27, 2008


rhythmic thump of feet
on wood slats, death's head puppets
wobble crazily

Sunday, October 26, 2008


steel gateways arching above,
memory fibers sculpting

Saturday, October 25, 2008


why did we leave, wanderers
trailing dust, sand, rocks
clinging haphazardly to

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Motion, stillness, illusion--
Which is it? Are we here? There?

Sunday, October 19, 2008


looking in plain view
passenger aisles row
after row, no exit

Saturday, October 18, 2008


breath steams window art, daisies
jut yellow, white, exhausted

Friday, October 17, 2008


down stairs to platform
electric oil smell
noses pressed to glass

Thursday, October 16, 2008


with phrases on displays
we crane our necks to read

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


dun rock, sparkly white
quartz spiderwebs, no diamonds.
true gold flakes entwined


Lift the lantern: in glinting
shards the light shows diamonds.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


caves below the crust
salted with light, pepper pitched
coal scattered, shovels

Friday, October 10, 2008


uprooted, train tracks speed through
narrow tunnels: go go go

Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Telescope focus,
Microscopic visionary--
Earth promise, ants, trees...

Saturday, October 04, 2008


no, there is one who sees, her
eye enlarged, watching land pass

Friday, October 03, 2008


gyros and lemon
cacophony of taxis
leaves fall, unnoticed

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Unfamiliar tastes roll out
spicy language on the tongue.

Monday, September 29, 2008


lost: wildlife camping,
tallgrass prairies viewed up close,
highway refuges

Saturday, September 27, 2008


zippers pulled tight, campfire coal
gathered, eradiating

Friday, September 26, 2008


to pack climaxes in bags full
of openings and these
departures, fumes and noise


night breeze wafting, citrine moon,
campfire tales... we leave too soon

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


So far, so far, and
yet still here, still in the midst
of the sky.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Travel Kasen: When to Post

Thanks to Luba for starting our new Travel kasen. Weekly post days:

Janet: Tuesday
Sneza: Thursday
Mark: Friday
Luba: Saturday
HAT: Sunday

Just a few reminders: Can you add the label "Travel" to your posts for our Travel kasen? That way, we'll be able to easily find each of the verses for the whole thread. Also, we've sort of unofficially been titling each verse by number so that we'll know where we are going... toward 36!

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Distances carved in minutes,
counted in latitudes, degrees

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Draw up equations that fraction
the possibility of moving along
curved dimensions among

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Mud clings drags sucks backward but
the path-- there is one-- forward.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Maps seeded with hope;
small, stray ink marks press paper
like feet on soft soil

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Rules for Travel Kasen

We've already established that our new Kasen will focus on Travel. Here are other possible ideas:

1) No mention of actual modes of transportation (no cars, buses, planes, rollerblades, etc.)
2) Every 3rd verse should reference/allude to/name some point of origin or destination (whether physical, geographical, psychological, imaginary, emotional, or other)

Any other rules that we should consider?

Completed Kasen: Idolatrous Art

A sketch from your window
six syllables, page to screen--
let's be each other's guest

Strands of that elegiac grace
we never possessed

A whole rain of signs
falls and by morning--sunshine
avoid such places

The man had been hanging
friends thought he was doing an art piece
and other poems

Reimagined, the world expands
language is not something static

Just waiting for
my power to be recognized--
lighten our darkness

One word, whose word, could be said
perhaps blend of "fray" and "fazzle"

One comes to language
from afar, the ear ponders,
swishes into town

Try it, or better, try a ladder--
rise in the present

Those rungs are unsafe
that tongue that was used
altered at an end

You will have no companion
but the heap of your words

Warm hands at never
extinguished fires of scholar-
ship, blazing

Feast on the leaves
of trampled sentences

Finally I have succeeded
in telling the truth. Whatever...
better than the past

What good does it do to bombard
chaos? The loss of certainty!

The orphan limb, a felt
recovery--its tenuous kinship
making the music social as well

As she gave birth, she screamed out
that all who heard that scream would suffer...

These were all the crimes --
even citing the poetry
it sounds absurd

A tedious argument,
an overwhelming question

Like a green girl
in a nutshell
count myself a king

:painted upon the walls: a man,
a dog was a dog, and a circle was sun

The rust freckled barbed
wire, keeping out no one,
thick as thirst

To grow famous, and his family rich...
all the world turns when he spins

Try to account to know
express to know
to account to try

The self as given is in-
adequate and will not do

Look: he has not turned,
has tears in his eyes; no more
let them be well used

Asia on the one side
Africa on the other

This specular structure
this is my letter
a form of contact

A large bird who was trying
to regain some sense of beauty

He begins with the chase of--
the deer or the wild goat?
Out of whose horns was the bow made?

Realize every minute--
no, saints and poets maybe

Havana in hurricane
iron, bongoseros
green dream in rhythm

The names of flowers
pot-holed streets, sluggish gutters--
they cleared a space and

Give it new names: breasts of God
left out to catch the dew

Then the self is lost
in Nebraska
flashflood storms

She walks in beauty, like night,
at peace with all below

(Completed Aug. 2008 by JS, HT, SZ)

Monday, August 11, 2008


She walks in beauty, like night,
at peace with all below

Monday, August 04, 2008


Then the self is lost
in Nebraska
flashflood storms

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Give it new names: breasts of God
left out to catch the dew

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


the names of flowers
pot-holed streets, sluggish gutters--
they cleared a space and

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Havana in hurricane
iron, bongoseros
green dream in rhythm

Monday, May 05, 2008


Realize every minute--
No, saints and poets maybe.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


He begins with the chase of--
the deer or the wild goat?
Out of whose horns was the bow made?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


a large bird who was trying
to regain some sense of beauty

Monday, March 03, 2008


This specular structure
this is my letter
a form of contact

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Asia of the one side
Africa of the other

Monday, February 04, 2008


Look: he has not turned,
has tears in his eyes; no more.
Let them be well used.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


The self as given is in-
adequate and will not do

Sunday, January 13, 2008


try to account to know
express to know
to account to try

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


To grow famous, and his family rich...
all the world turns when he spins.